April 27 : Ace
Frehley premieres new digital single, "Bronx Boy" From
KISS Related Recordings Today,
on his 67th Birthday, Ace Frehley has released a brand new
single, titled "Bronx Boy".
The single is the first track from an all-new, untitled full-length
solo album to be released this summer.
"Bronx Boy" is available on all digital music services starting
here to preview and purchase the new Ace
Frehley single, "Bronx Boy," available on
April 3 : CRISS Cat # 1 digital release
KISS Related Recordings
On January 26, 2018 Tony Nicole Tony Records released
CRISS "Cat # 1"
as a digital release, available for download at
iTunes among other digital providers like
Spotify, Deezer, eMusic.
The digital newly released version of
CRISS "Cat # 1"
has been converted from the original Ampex reels to give the fans
the unfiltered, raw and authentic sound that we know real fans can
appreciate. By accident the January 26, 2018 digital release
contains an early (master-) version of "Blue Moon Over Brooklyn"
without Ace Frehley on guitar. This version is now removed from all
digital providers and replaced March 16 with the version which
features Ace Frehley on guitar.
Greetings from Mega Music Distribution and Management. As the
distributor of the Cat #1 album by Peter Criss we felt that we owed
you as well as all of the honorable and loyal Peter Criss fans an
explanation concerning the newly released version of Peter Criss's
Cat#1 album. Mr. Anthony Lombardi owner of TNT Records and rights
holder of the Cat 1 album by Peter Criss has informed us of a few
grievances concerning this release. On behalf of Mr. Anthony
Lombardi, TNT Records and Mega Music Distribution and Management we
would like to state that the previous Compact Disk and other
releases other than digital are actually the remixed versions. The
digital newly released version has been converted from the original
Ampex reels to give the fans the unfiltered, raw and authentic sound
that we know real fans can appreciate. The 2 seconds before play is
the breath the band takes after record is pressed by the engineer,
the dialogue from Peter is raw and unedited, the tune after Beth is
the band so enthusiastic after recording they just kept vibing into
a new tune. There is no sound distortion, what you are hearing is
the original master.
To exterminate any confusion we are in the process of labeling the
new release as (Original Master) It could possibly take between 14
-30 days before the new label is added to all of the digital
networks but we just felt that it is our responsibility to keep you
informed and express our dedication to always have the fans best
interest in mind.
If there are any fans out there that you can reach that have
downloaded the incorrect version of the Cat #1 album without Ace
Frehley's guitar solo, please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Anthony
Lombardi at
tonylombardijr@gmail.com with proof of purchase and he will
gladly send them a free download of the correct version with Ace
Frehley's guitar solo. We would like to thank you Mr. Jelle Jansen
for your expertise in rock music and bringing attention to the
situation and contacting Mr. Lombardi to bring about a solution.