April 23 : Ace Frehley show at 013 in Holland rescheduled
to June 12
Gertjan Vandenblink 013
Because of the fact that KISS is playing in Oberhausen, Germany June 11,
the planned Ace Frehley gig at 013
(Tilburg) in Holland is rescheduled to Thursday June 12.
Tickets go on sale (incl. ticketservice.nl)
Saturday April 26.
April 21 : KISS
inspired album - A review of 1977's " Rock 'N Roll
MySpace /
/ The
I’ve been anxiously awaiting the release of 1977’s album “Rock ‘N Roll” since it was announced in a viral MySpace marketing campaign months ago.
Now, after first listen, I can say that I have not been disappointed at all.
WIth 1977’s approach – a 70’s-era KISS soundalike whose appearance is shrouded in mystery for the time being – a good first impression is difficult to make. After all, a huge part of the ‘70’s KISS fan’s listening experience was visual: examining the supernaturally powerful cover artwork and poring over the merchandise insert. Here, we having nothing but silhouette. With no visuals to steal a fan’s soul and capture his or her imagination, there is only the music to examine.
Fortunately, the music wonderfully captures KISS’ dynamo from the late 1970’s.
The record gives listeners the impression that they’re hearing previously unreleased material, songs seemingly locked in the KISS vault these past thirty years.
From beginning to end, one hears KISS-style guitar riffs, chord progressions, and guitar licks. Many of which are note for note from KISS songs, but somehow the band manages to avoid any direct rip-offs. Obvious momentary borrowings from one KISS song seamlessly mesh into other musical parts, making the songs stand well on their own. As the saying goes, “To steal from one is plagiarism. To steal from many is research.”
And this band has clearly done their research. The 1970’s KISS style has been examined thoroughly, making the strongest aspects of the album by far the songwriting and lyrics.
Lyrically, this is very much a KISS record: simple messages given with clever turns of phrase and innuendo, followed by anthemic choruses of the need for rock and roll to be shared by all. Easily-remembered words shaped by simple and catchy vocal melodies mean that –
like all the great songs from this era – they grow on you over time. “Gladiator” and “Blast Off” are already classics in my mind after having heard the clips dozens of times over the last few months.
The album is mastered nice and loud, as it should be, and mixed like a KISS record: every instrument can be heard and sits in its own sonic space. A really high note is that the lead guitar player wonderfully captures Ace Frehley’s style, copping licks across the entire album, yet composing original solos, just as Ace did himself throughout those first seven years or so.
As for weaknesses, there aren’t many. Each of songs are clearly written with the styles of Gene, Paul, Peter, and Ace. And as I’ve said, they’ve been masterfully crafted. But while the Gene vocal style is spot-on, and the Ace isn’t bad, Peter’s thick throaty raspiness is absent, as is the operatic power of the signature Stanley tone.
And the sound of record clicks and pops at the beginning and end of each song are a nice remembrance of the KISS record experience, but they become predictable as the same sample is played again and again.
read the entire review of 1977 "Rock 'n Roll" at The
Ron Blog.
1977's "Rock 'N Roll" is available for purchase via Snocap download at the
band website and their MySpace
April 16 : interview with David Wolfert, producer of Peter Criss
We continue our year-long KISS special article with the 8th interview with a
KISS-related figure. This week we publish an interview with David Wolfert, producer of Peter Criss’ “Out of Control” album. Here’s an excerpt of that interview:
Rockpages.gr: You also played guitar, synths and you arranged the strings. What do you remember from the recording sessions? Do you have any stories to share with us?
David Wolfert: Peter and Stan Penridge had an existing band, which played most of the record. I only added my playing after the fact, when I felt something was missing. Also, I had a lot more experience in the studio than any of the band members (except Peter), so it was often easier to play what I was hearing rather than describe it. The string sessions were great because they were a real departure from Peter's past recordings.
Read the entire interview with David Wolfert at Rockpages.gr.
April 16 : Eric Singer interview : European Tour and Re-Recordings
Besides the year long KISS-Related interview Special, Rockpages.gr
added an interview with KISS drummer Eric Singer.
Rockpages.gr: Is there any truth to the rumor that KISS entered the studio recently to re-record some classic songs from the back catalogue?
Eric Singer: Where did you hear that?
Rockpages.gr: I have my sources…well, is it a valid information?
Eric Singer: I will tell you, but tell me first who told you?
Rockpages.gr: Jimmy Haslip…he saw you in the studio a while ago and he was quite certain that Paul had told him that KISS re-recorded old tracks…
Eric Singer: OK! Yes, that’s true! You know that many bands re-record songs so as to have the control over the copyrights. For example, if someone asks for a KISS tune, the band doesn'’ have to get into a bureaucracy with the record label. It is very convenient…
Read the entire interview with Eric Singer at Rockpages.gr.
April 15 : Vinnie Vincent Tribute Album Announced
As revealed during the March 14th episode of "Talking Metal on Fuse," SplitScreen Entertainment has announced its upcoming tribute album, KISS MY ANKH: A Tribute To Vinnie Vincent. Though Vinnie himself has not released any new material in over a decade, KISS MY ANKH will pay tribute to the undeniable musical legacy of the former Kiss guitarist. Vinnie's compositions are widely regarded as a highlight of the Kiss catalog and remain a staple of the live Kiss set list. Included on the tribute will be selections from the three Kiss albums to which Vinnie contributed, as well as the two albums he released with the Vinnie Vincent Invasion. Participating artists and track listings will be announced as they are confirmed.
KISS MY ANKH: A Tribute To Vinnie Vincent is scheduled for a Summer 2008 release.
April 3 : Bruce Kulick "KKB"
1974 project CD release
Bruce's "KKB" release is not a new project. In fact, it is more interesting as it
dates back to the before the beginnings of Bruce's professional recording career!
Recorded in September 1974, the material was the work of an unnamed band that
Bruce was a member of, along with Mike Katz (bass) and Guy Bois (drums), and is in
a "Cream meets Yes" style.
The CD features:
I'll Never Take You Back
My Baby
You've Got A Hold On Me
Tryin' To Find A Way
You Won't Be There
To Be Free
You Won't Be There (Alternate Jam Take)
The CD will be officially released at the New York KISS Expo on May 3, and then
available directly from Bruce, as a strictly limited hand-signed and numbered
edition, from his website. Bruce also continues to work on a new solo album...
Bruce recalls the band/material: "There was a guy in Queens
were I grew up who was a big Jack Bruce fan. He wrote some
original material and was quite creative a bit progressive
actually. Kind of Yes-meets-Cream. We were just a trio and our
drummer was named Guy. We did do originals. I wrote one song that
I co-wrote with him and I do have the tape of that. It was very
interesting material and some of the songs would even hold up
today. It never went anywhere and we never even gigged. We
rehearsed really hard and when we recorded it we never used over
dubs. We just went live in a room. We didn't even have a name for
the band it was just me, Guy and Mike Katz. I gotta find those
tapes. I remember one time when I was touring with KISS, I heard
from Mike, and I pulled the tape out for Gary Corbett. He said
yeah this stuff is cool. This tape was done in the very early
seventies and it’s still really cool."
April 9 : Dutch
Ace Frehley gig confirmed
/ Gertjan Vandenblink 013
Gertjan Vandenblink (013 program & marketing) just confirmed
that Ace Frehley will play at 013, Tilburg, Holland on June 11.
Tickets go on sale April 19. More details will follow.
coming out in Digipack edition
Metal Mind Records
Back in the mid 80's, when rock'n'roll was still on everybody's lips, dozens of bands tried to become "the next best thing" of the music industry. Although many have tried, only few succeeded to carve their names into rock history. Among them are Black 'N Blue, a band that never got the proper acclaim for their work, but over the years proved that good music will always defend itself. Metal Mind Productions presents Black 'N Blue's album "Rarities", a peep inside the closed doors of the group's history, revealing a unique collection of rare and previously unreleased songs. "Rarities" remains a true treasure chest for all of Black 'N Blue's fans, with a portion of melodic pop-rock enough to satisfy even the most demanding enthusiasts of the genre. This album will get you on a night train straight to the 80's - so fasten up and enjoy the ride!
New digipak edition is limited to numerated 2000 copies. Digitally remastered using 24-Bit process on golden disc. The album will be available on 5th May 2008 (Europe
April 2 : KISS Engineer Jay Messina - "When I First Met The Band They Seemed Like A Bunch Of Regular Guys"
We continue our year-long KISS special with the seventh interview with a KISS-related figure. This week we publish an interview with Jay Messina, engineer of Destroyer, Dynasty and Unmasked. Mr. Messina remembers those recordings.
Read the entire interview with Jay Messina at Rockpages.gr.
update : 2008-04-30 |
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COOPER July 25, 2008
Along Came A Spider
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May, 2008
- 1974 (Bruce Kulick) |

(Kiss inspired album)
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'n Roll |

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A Millennium Tribute To Kiss |

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5 Febr, 2008
The Kulick Sessions
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Febr, 2008
Box (Bruce Kulick) |

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