NEWS UPDATE - May 2013
May 5 :
New Super Group featuring Bruce Kulick !!!!
Related Recordings (thanks to Thorbjörn Brorsson) Last week KRR reported that Joe Lynn Turner had mention in an
interview that he is working with a new band and he's negotiating
for a new record deal with Frontiers Records. Besides Joe Lynn Turner the band should include Carmine Appice, Tony
Franklin and Bruce Kulick. Now the interview is posted online @
Metal Shrine.
Joe Lynn Turner : "I´ve got a band with me, Tony Franklin, Carmine
Appice and Bruce Kulick. We´re starting a band and Frontiers wants
us to do a record and we're negotiating now. I was talking to Bruce
in Vegas and he's got some great ideas."
read the entire interview with Joe Lynn Turner
clicking here. |
